Thomas Schemrich

Thomas Schemrich
Artist, sculptor

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Thomas Schemrich is an artist and 30 year veteran visuals arts educator, living in Fairview Park, Ohio.
Schemrich works in many materials to create sculptural and functional works of art. His creations range from jewelry to 20' sculptures. Creations of functional works in glass, wood, metal, stone, clay and whatever else lands in his hands.
Tom draws inspiration primarily from the natural world. The forms that emerge play on the instinctual human connection to materials. His works range from representational to the abstract. Having a love for all things and genres, he uses freely his personal wonder of the world.
Schemrich is excited to create what he has not. Commission are fully welcomed.
Realizing fine artwork ranging from drawings to monumental sculptures and functional items from cups, bowls and vases to tables, fountains, and furniture .
" I wake each day thankful for the opportunity to create something unique and through my own efforts, bring joy! " t. schemrich

Featured Work

Sandstone sculpture, 24"x21"x10" installed on a private residency in Lakewood , Ohio

North Canton high school, Viking bench

North Canton high school, Viking bench
Created from a single ash tree that succumbed to the Emerald Ash Borer. Commissioned

"Two sided relationship "
Red Elm and Ash 69"x26"x19" Main forms sculpted from left and right sides of the same log.

Spalted, ambrosia Maple vessel

Spalted, ambrosia Maple vessel
Spalted ambrosia maple vessel. 4.8" x 13" x 13"


WIP bronze

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