
Seeing the light

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Keith Berr is an international advertising, commercial and fine art photographer. A graduate of the Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, he has been producing remarkable images for more than 30 years.
His unique ability to connect with people allows him to capture the real individual, like few other photographers can. He embodies a fun, fresh lifestyle with a personality as engaging as the images he captures.
Keith’s journeys take him on assignments, where he creates memorable photographs of race machines on the Bonneville Salt Flats, men in steel mills, corporate leaders, brain surgeons at work, chefs, food and native flair around the world.
Some current projects have included campaigns for Aldi, AT&T, Verizon, Newell Rubbermaid, Invacare, McDonalds, Kay and Zale’s Jewelers, Timken Steel, Republic Steel, Liberty Mutual Insurance and University Hospitals.
His work recently brought him the honors of being inducted into the Cleveland Advertising Associations Hall of Fame and also selected as one of the American Society of Media Photographers, top 10 Photographers in the United States.
The past 2 years he was presented with National ADDY awards, for his personal work, “Save The Salt” project, on preserving the Bonneville Salt Flats, a National Monument that is in need of assistance in preventing its further destruction by man.
Xposure International Photo Expo hired Keith in October 2018 to speak and exhibit in Sharjah, in the UAE, with 32 other internationally acclaimed photographers, concerning projects they have developed that influence todays world.
He has just completed his custom designed modernistic live/work compound in the center of Cleveland’s Asia town and is been involved in the movement to revitalize his art district.
His favorite quote reads: ‘Amateurs worry about equipment, Professionals about time, Masters worry about light.’

Featured Work

Save The Salt
Save the Salt is a pro bono ad / art campaign

Save The Salt

Save The Salt
Save the Salt is a pro bono ad / art campaign

Save The Salt

Save The Salt
Save the Salt is a pro bono ad / art campaign

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